Friday, April 20, 2007

AlburyCity's Living Books program is launched next week.

We have a great range of people available to "borrow" and I would encourage you to help us spread the word (book a session for yourself and don't forget to forward this email)

If you want to know more about it then read on;

Living Books

Stories come to life.

This is your chance to meet and talk with people from our community who have a story to tell.

Living Books are people. Borrow them for half an hour, sit in our specially designed “chat café” and have a conversation about their special topic. Come by yourself, come with a friend or come as a group.

Available to borrow

Tuesday April 24

Albury Library
10.30 - 12pm

Anne, Joe, Chris

4pm - 5.30pm
Nick, Neil, Trish

Wednesday April 2

QEII Square
1pm - 3pm
Nick, Chris, Gordon

Thursday April 26 Lavington Library
10.30 - 12
Anne, two mystery books

4pm - 5.30pm
Gordon, Joe, mystery book

Friday April 27

Albury Library
10.30am - 12pm
Neil, Gordon, Darren

4pm - 5.30pm
Joe, Trish, Chris

Saturday April 28 - Albury Library
10.30am - 12pm
Nick, Chris, Darren


Bonegilla was her first experience of Australia in 1952. What was it like for a 17 year old to come from war torn Europe to work at the Jindera pub? Come and find out.


Since joining the army as a 17 year old Chris has had a career of over 45 years serving the nation. This has included serving in Vietnam and in Papua New Guinea plus postings all over Australia. Chris is now the Quatermaster of the Army History Unit and supports 17 museums across Australia.


An indigenous man from the Wiradjuri people, Pastor Darren is also an artist and didgeridoo player/performer. Traditional culture, Urban indigenous culture, reconciliation, identity and indigenous technology are some of the topics you can explore with Darren.


After joining the Defence Force as a part of the National Service in 1953 he joined the regular Army serving in Korea and Vietnam. As a paratrooper and parachute rigger Gordon always followed the motto “be sure always”.


Joe shifted to Albury as a child in the 1940’s and has vivid memories of growing up in Albury. A local sports historian Joe is writing a book about the cricketing history of Albury Wodonga.


After 20 years in the Defence Force Neil has some great stories to tell of his time in East Timor, Kuwait and Afghanistan which included protecting/escorting official war artist Peter Churcher. Now in the Active Reserve Neil is the Museum Technical Advisor for the Army History Unit and also works as the Curator at the Army Museum Bandiana.


Professor Nick has become nationally known for his insightful and energetic commentary on all things environmental through his regular radio spots up and down the east coast as scientific correspondent. Normally Nick won’t talk to crowds of less than 100, this your chance for a one on one.


An indigenous women from the Kamilaroi people Trish has an Aboriginal mother and a German father. Growing up just outside Finley in a family of 11 Trish has some great stories to tell of the fun of such a large mob plus the hardships of times during the white australia policy.

Narelle Vogel

Cultural Development Coordinator


Community & Recreation


PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640

T: (02) 6023 8753

Mob: 0439 043 335

F: (02) 6023 8398


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