David Dunn
Born: 1964
Country: Wiradjuri Nation
Area: Trangie
Hi, my name is David Dunn; My Aboriginal name is Gaagang, which means elder brother. I come from a small town 50 miles west of Dubbo called Trangie (in Aboriginal this means quick, intercourse). I use some of the traditional symbols my father and uncles showed me but I try to use my own style. I started painting professionally in 1986, which means I have been painting for nineteen years. I remember drawing and coloring in with my mother and father when I was about five years old. I know the tradition was handed down to me then. My parents are still my inspiration to my works now. I paint from the heart and from the memories of my childhood, I have ten children, I paint a lot about them, Kids are so important. I get a lot of enjoyment out painting but the fun part is when I see other people’s expressions while they are viewing one of my works. I also paint from the heart not from a picture. I was told by an Elder from the Warburton community to paint what you feel not what you see.
This painting depicts baby turtles swimming amongst the squid. The baby turtles have just come out of there eggs and are looking for tucker.©
Hi, my name is David Dunn; My Aboriginal name is Gaagang, which means elder brother. I come from a small town 50 miles west of Dubbo called Trangie (in Aboriginal this means quick, intercourse). I use some of the traditional symbols my father and uncles showed me but I try to use my own style. I started painting professionally in 1986, which means I have been painting for nineteen years. I remember drawing and coloring in with my mother and father when I was about five years old. I know the tradition was handed down to me then. My parents are still my inspiration to my works now. I paint from the heart and from the memories of my childhood, I have ten children, I paint a lot about them, Kids are so important. I get a lot of enjoyment out painting but the fun part is when I see other people’s expressions while they are viewing one of my works. I also paint from the heart not from a picture. I was told by an Elder from the Warburton community to paint what you feel not what you see. When I hold the brush this is all I do, someone else "(God)" does the painting; I'm just a tool.
Long ago in the dreamtime a young girl long ago loved a warrior. One day the warrior went to fight a battle. The girl sat on the hill and watched for his return. Time passed but there was no sign of the young man. He had been killed in the fight and the girl knew she would never see him again. She cried and cried. Her tears became flames and she set the whole hill on fire. The fire is like the girls sorrow: it can never stop or be taken away. The name WEEYN means fire.