Sunday, November 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
sniffer dog
A man had just settled into his seat next to the window on the plane when another man sat down in the aisle seat and put his black Labrador retriever in the middle seat next to the man. The first man looks very quizzically at the dog and asks why the dog is allowed on the plane. The second man explained that he is a Drug Enforcement Agent and that the dog is a "Sniffing dog."His name is Sniffer and he's the best there is. I'll show you once we get airborne, when I put him to work." The plane takes off, and once it has leveled out, the agent says: "Watch this". He tells Sniffer to "search." Sniffer jumps down, walks along the aisle, and finally sits very purposefully next to a woman for several seconds. Sniffer then returns to its seat and puts one paw on the Agent's arm. The agent says, "Good boy", and he turns to the man and says: That woman is in possession of marijuana, so I'm making a note of her seat number and the authorities will apprehend her when we land." "That's brilliant" replies the first man. Once again, the agent sends Sniffer to search the aisles. The Lab sniffs about, sits down beside a man for a few seconds, returns to its seat, and this time, he places TWO paws on the agent's arm. The agent says, "That man is carrying cocaine, so again, I'm making a note of his seat number for the police." "I like it!"says his seat mate. The agent then told Sniffer to "search" again. Sniffer walked up and down the aisles for a little while, sat down for a moment, and then came racing back to the agent, jumped into the middle seat and proceeded to shit all over the place. The first man is really upset by this foul behavior and can't understand why a well-trained dog would act like that, so he asks the agent "What's going on?" The agent nervously replied, "He just found a bomb!"
womens brain

Ever wondered how a woman's brain works?
It's finally explained here in one, easy-to-understand illustration:
� Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a � decision or a problem that needs to be solved .
A man of course has only 2 balls and they take up all his thoughts.
shop 2 45-54licoln Causeway on gateway Island ( snake island )
A unique recreational, arts and tourist destination, Gateway Island is located on the Murray River between Wodonga and the neighbouring city of Albury. Gateway Village is home to the regional Visitor Information Centre, Cafe Giro Bike Hire, Murray River Canoe Hire, HotHouse Theatre company and several other craft and arts-focused tenents. The village provides direct access to the Murray River and is a popular location for picnics and weddings. Gateway Village is zoned Special Use 1 and is suitable for tourism, food/wine, arts, and boutique retail opperations.
shop 2 45-54licoln Causeway on gateway Island ( snake island )
A unique recreational, arts and tourist destination, Gateway Island is located on the Murray River between Wodonga and the neighbouring city of Albury. Gateway Village is home to the regional Visitor Information Centre, Cafe Giro Bike Hire, Murray River Canoe Hire, HotHouse Theatre company and several other craft and arts-focused tenents. The village provides direct access to the Murray River and is a popular location for picnics and weddings. Gateway Village is zoned Special Use 1 and is suitable for tourism, food/wine, arts, and boutique retail opperations.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
REFEREE needs to learn the rugby league rules
The referee who is refing the rugby league game between manly and the North Queensland game needs to go back to referee school. what a hopeless ref simpson
you are hopeless, get glasses or get contacts fixed you have made atleast 6 wrong desicions.
you are hopeless, get glasses or get contacts fixed you have made atleast 6 wrong desicions.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer.
Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they've got their man?
parralell thinking
There is a man who lives on the top floor of a very tall building. Everyday he gets the elevator down to the ground floor to leave the building to go to work. Upon returning from work though, he can only travel half of the distance up riding in the elevator and has to walk the rest of the way up unless it's raining! How can this be?
a man
A man was carrying a bag of stones across the desert, The bag of stones weighed 50kg until he put somthing in the bag which made it lighter!!!. WHAT DID HE PUT IN THE BAG.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Done by Dunn Art - Dreaming
Rainbow Snake
Life around a Billoabong
Sacred Meeting Place - Wiradjuri
Echidna Dreaming
Echidna Dreaming
Dunart Dreaming
Lizard Dreaming
Emu Dreaming
Bandharr Dreaming (grey kangaroo)
Weedy Sea Dragon Dreaming
Life around a Billoabong
Sacred Meeting Place - Wiradjuri
Echidna Dreaming
Echidna Dreaming
Dunart Dreaming
Lizard Dreaming
Emu Dreaming
Bandharr Dreaming (grey kangaroo)
Weedy Sea Dragon Dreaming
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Spirits of our Ancestors
Spirits of our Ancestors
This painting depicts the “Spirits of our Ancestors“. As we sit by our camp fires at night we would call ancient spirits to join in We tell stories, we play the didgeridoo, and we sing and dance and celebrate our daily health and life. Amongst the flames, the spirits of Our Ancestors are joining in singing and dancing flying around, swirling with the red hot flames of the fire. Back in creation time Baiame created all and placed certain Spirits in every thing and place. He gave Laws to these spirits and each spirit certain powers to make the aboriginal people obey his laws. The spirits were left in places where people and animals came to drink and eat. They were given the power to bring on new life, depending on how the people obeyed Baiame laws.
This painting depicts the “Spirits of our Ancestors“. As we sit by our camp fires at night we would call ancient spirits to join in We tell stories, we play the didgeridoo, and we sing and dance and celebrate our daily health and life. Amongst the flames, the spirits of Our Ancestors are joining in singing and dancing flying around, swirling with the red hot flames of the fire. Back in creation time Baiame created all and placed certain Spirits in every thing and place. He gave Laws to these spirits and each spirit certain powers to make the aboriginal people obey his laws. The spirits were left in places where people and animals came to drink and eat. They were given the power to bring on new life, depending on how the people obeyed Baiame laws.
David Dunn
David Dunn
Born: 1964
Country: Wiradjuri Nation
My Aboriginal name is Gaagang, which means elder brother. I come from a small town 50 miles west of Dubbo called Trangie (in Aboriginal this means quick, intercourse). I use some of the traditional symbols my father and uncles showed me but I try to use my own style. I started painting professionally in 1986, which means I have been painting for nineteen years. I remember drawing and colouring in with my mother and father when I was about five years old. I know the tradition was handed down to me then. My parents are still my inspiration to my works now. I paint from the heart and from the memories of my childhood. I get a lot of enjoyment out painting but the fun part is when I see other people’s expressions while they are viewing one of my works. I also paint from the heart not from a picture. I was told by an Elder from the Warburton community to paint what you feel not what you see.
Monday, August 20, 2007
the dream takers
i see the dream taker (stealer) from young is at it again even the ebay page is set up in a Simliar colour scheme to my web site

even the painting looks the similar
Friday, August 17, 2007
superannuation managers
We are preparing new and exciting Investment Packages for superannuation managers who are interested to add authentic Aboriginal art collection to their portfolio. Please come back soon for details - we will offer unique ways of investing in our art, with flexible options attractive especially for Self-Managed Superannuation Funds.
Basic features of our packages will include:
Choice of investment value - either $2,000 or $5,000
Content valued on previous and current sales (records will be available to interested collectors and investors)
BONUS artworks for repeat customers to enhance their collection
Prompt delivery (most packages will be put together from art in stock or on display in galleries)
Our conditions of sale are also very flexible - upon payment of a deposit we deliver your art for an inspection, you are entitled to a 10 days cooling off period, and at the end of 10 days you pay the balance of you package value.
Remember the greatest advantages of adding authentic Aboriginal art to your superannuation fund's investment portfolio:
1. Above average return on investment;
2. Your investment can be utilised while it matures as displayed art in your office or home.
Aboriginal art INVESTMENTS
Aboriginal art INVESTMENTS
This scheme is designed to benefit those interested in Art as long-term investment. Authentic Aboriginal art has in the past performed extremely well in comparison to other investments, especially taking into consideration:
Limited availability of Authentic Aboriginal Art from known artists
Wide recognition of Aboriginal art in Australia and abroad
Appeal of art in general as long-term investment
Link to the artist's culture
Possibility of a sound financial return
Why Invest In David Dunn's Art
While investment is an important decision for a number of reasons, David Dunn's art investment packages have a number of important characteristics to consider:
David has a reputation as an artist who has already widely exhibited;
He is recognised as an established artist within the Aboriginal community;
History of sales of pieces similar to those offered is available;
Ability to chose the level of investment required;
Options to add to collection on regular basis at pre-determined price level;
The provenance of the work included in the package is based on photographic evidence and signed certificates;
All work is commissioned, so the investor has a choice of paintings from established traditional series of designs that David paints;
Similar pieces are on display in many locations (see website for details).
Of particular interest to those investing in art as part of their Self-Managed Superannuation Funds is the fact that not only their art value appreciates over time but it can be at the same time consumed. You do not need to wait for the art investment to mature to enjoy the benefits - use it to provide great environment in your office or home*1.
Who Will Benefit
The benefits of investment in David's art are not just the appreciation of investment in value. From sale of investment packages we provide support for various schemes and projects benefiting Aboriginal people - detail can be found on David's website
Sale Process
Each investment package is unique, and when a package is purchased we will provide the following:
List of items included in each package with valuation based on previous sales
Schedule of delivery
Photos of the process of creating each of the large pieces included
Signed Certificates of Authenticity for each piece
You should always discuss an investment strategy with an adviser. We are NOT a certified financial adviser and this information does NOT constitute investment advise or recommendation.
This scheme is designed to benefit those interested in Art as long-term investment. Authentic Aboriginal art has in the past performed extremely well in comparison to other investments, especially taking into consideration:
Limited availability of Authentic Aboriginal Art from known artists
Wide recognition of Aboriginal art in Australia and abroad
Appeal of art in general as long-term investment
Link to the artist's culture
Possibility of a sound financial return
Why Invest In David Dunn's Art
While investment is an important decision for a number of reasons, David Dunn's art investment packages have a number of important characteristics to consider:
David has a reputation as an artist who has already widely exhibited;
He is recognised as an established artist within the Aboriginal community;
History of sales of pieces similar to those offered is available;
Ability to chose the level of investment required;
Options to add to collection on regular basis at pre-determined price level;
The provenance of the work included in the package is based on photographic evidence and signed certificates;
All work is commissioned, so the investor has a choice of paintings from established traditional series of designs that David paints;
Similar pieces are on display in many locations (see website for details).
Of particular interest to those investing in art as part of their Self-Managed Superannuation Funds is the fact that not only their art value appreciates over time but it can be at the same time consumed. You do not need to wait for the art investment to mature to enjoy the benefits - use it to provide great environment in your office or home*1.
Who Will Benefit
The benefits of investment in David's art are not just the appreciation of investment in value. From sale of investment packages we provide support for various schemes and projects benefiting Aboriginal people - detail can be found on David's website
Sale Process
Each investment package is unique, and when a package is purchased we will provide the following:
List of items included in each package with valuation based on previous sales
Schedule of delivery
Photos of the process of creating each of the large pieces included
Signed Certificates of Authenticity for each piece
You should always discuss an investment strategy with an adviser. We are NOT a certified financial adviser and this information does NOT constitute investment advise or recommendation.
KIDS COUNT on the BORDER is hosting the launch of the "Are You Listening?" poster.
A resource for workers within the sector to highlight a child's individual experience of family violence. The poster will be launched during child protection week on Thursday 6 September, 2007.
The morning will have guest speakers including Noel Mac Namara - Child and Family Services Manager for the Hume Region, a performance by a children's choir and morning tea, please take the opportunity to enjoy a international speaker available in our region.
The poster has been designed by The Hume Region's Children Project with the support of the Wodonga TAFE and funded by the Wodonga Integrated Response to Family Violence Committee.
Genevieve Knoth
Hume Region - Children's Resource Coordinator
Central Hume Support Services
Wodonga Office
0260 437 404 or 0438 311 738
A resource for workers within the sector to highlight a child's individual experience of family violence. The poster will be launched during child protection week on Thursday 6 September, 2007.
The morning will have guest speakers including Noel Mac Namara - Child and Family Services Manager for the Hume Region, a performance by a children's choir and morning tea, please take the opportunity to enjoy a international speaker available in our region.
The poster has been designed by The Hume Region's Children Project with the support of the Wodonga TAFE and funded by the Wodonga Integrated Response to Family Violence Committee.
Genevieve Knoth
Hume Region - Children's Resource Coordinator
Central Hume Support Services
Wodonga Office
0260 437 404 or 0438 311 738
Halfway there thank you God
Halfway there thank you God,
Yep half way through the business course.
Its acutally a fun course to do,
the people in the class are great mob of people,
i enjoy all there company
Hi Michelle, Hi Ellen, Hi Clarkie, Hi Deb,Hi Michelle,
Hi Karen, Hi Tanya, Hi Maree,Hi Rowan.
Hello Paul & David
Us guys are out rule by the females in the class, hey but who am I to complain,
they are a great bunch of ladies, they are helpful and supportive.
Rowans ok Clarkies Just funny, Paul our teacher explains things well and is a great educator.
To all the other businesses that came into our group and showed us ways to save money, &
to Enterprise House people thank you.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Used Car Sales
It was a small town and the patrolman was making his evening rounds. As he was checking a used car lot, he came upon two little old ladies sitting in a used car. He stopped and asked them why they were sitting there in the car. Were they trying to steal it? "Heavens no, we bought it." "Then why don't you drive it away." "We can't drive." "Then why did you buy it?" "We were told that if we bought a used car here, we'd get screwed, so we're just waiting."
Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for? THAT'S GOD talking to you through the Holy Spirit. Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD wanting you to talk to Him. Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you needed, but couldn't afford? THAT'S GOD knowing the desires of your heart.. Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it was going to get better, how the hurting would stop, how the pain would ease, but now you look back on it. . THAT'S GOD passing us through tribulation to see a brighter day! Do you think that this e-mail was accidentally sent to you? Keep this going. You have no idea which one of Your e-mail buddies could use a little hope today Dear God.. I know you're watching over me And I'm feeling truly blessed For no matter what I pray for You always know what's best! I have this circle of E-mail friends, Who mean a lot to me; Some days I 'send' and 'send,' At other times, I let them be. I am so blessed to have these friends, with whom I've grown so close; So this little poem I dedicate to them, Because to me they are the 'Most'! When I see each name download, And view the message they've sent; I know they've thought of me that day, And 'well wishes' were their intent. So to you, my friends, I would like to say, thank you for being a part; Of all my daily contacts, This comes right from my heart. God bless you all is my prayer today, I'm honored to call you 'friend'; I pray God will keep you safe
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Bullroarers are ancient aboriginal musical instruments, which make an eerie roaring sound. Bullroarers have accompanied the didgeridoos in initiation ceremonies and in burials to ward off women and children or evil spirits. Aborigines also used it for communication hence the name wife-caller. It consists of a weighted aerofoil (a rectangular slat of wood about 15 cm/6 in to 60 cm/24 in long and about 1.25 cm/0.5 in to 5 cm/2 in wide) whirled rapidly about the head on a long cord to make that deep whirring, roaring noise. The aboriginal art on our bull-roarers represents the local fauna.
This painting is 100% authentic by a very talented aboriginal artist. David’s art is very in style around the planet with contempary and traditional style paintings. David's art speaks for itself will make a great investment in the future. Signed ' David Dunn 07 '©
and all paintings come with a certificate of Authenticity.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Australian Aborigines
Australian Aborigines have been painting the stories of the Dreaming on the walls of caves and rock shelters for at least 60,000 years. For the Aborigines, art was not "art for art's sake". They considered art to be a gift of supernatural power handed down from the Dreamtime ancestors. Nearly all Aboriginal art had a religious connotation, although some paintings were made to depict everyday events such as hunting. These acted as a type of Aboriginal archive. Aboriginal painting had a symbolic significance. Artists painted what was spiritually relevant to them in a particular area of land and to perpetuate their relationships with the Spirit Beings of that area. Aboriginal artists were confined by the subject matter and patterns that were relevant to their social group and ritual occasions. Aboriginal art was also influenced by the nomadic way of life and the materials that were available.
Basic colours used in painting were red from different sources in different areas, yellow from ochre, black from manganese or charcoal, and white from pipeclay or gypsum. Various fixatives were used, such as beeswax and honey, egg yolk, emu fat and tree sap. In more recent times, some Aboriginal artists have adapted non-traditional materials such as canvas and acrylic paint to depict many traditional designs for their own use and for the commercial market. In traditional Aboriginal society, both the making and the viewing of certain motifs and designs were restricted to specific initiated individuals. There was men's art and women's art.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Did you know
Did you know, that Pablo Picasso and Salvadore Dali became already decamillionaires through their art in their lifetime?
Thursday, August 9, 2007
You don't want to die as a poor and unknown artist?
You don't want to die as a poor and unknown artist?
No Way do I want to die as a poor Artist!!!!
Acrylic on Canvas
x cm Canvas
May 2007
The painting is from David's Wiradjuri
Coorobooree series.
Acrylic on Canvas
x cm Canvas
May 2007
The painting is from David's Wiradjuri
Coorobooree series.
Acrylic on Canvas
45 x 45cm Canvas
May 2007
MEANING:The painting is from David's Wiradjuri spirit series.
Acrylic on Canvas
45 x 45cm Canvas
May 2007
MEANING:The painting is from David's Wiradjuri spirit series.
Acrylic on Canvas
45 x 45cm Canvas
May 2007
MEANING:The painting is from David's Wiradjuri spirit series.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Indigenous Art Trienniel National Gallery of Australia
CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial
13 October 2007 – 10 February 2008
The National Gallery of Australia is delighted to be holding the inaugural National Indigenous Art Triennial: CULTURE WARRIORS, which will open on 12 October 2007, coinciding with the Gallery’s 25th birthday celebrations and will be on display for four months. This innovative exhibition is expected to become a permanent event in the Australian and international art calendar. Works selected for CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial have been created within the past three years resulting in a highly considered snapshot of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art/cultural practice. Selection by the Curator will be by invitation only.
CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial will include works that represent a diversity of regions throughout Australia with every state and territory represented, and will demonstrate the incredible range of contemporary Indigenous art practice. It will include media encompassing painting on canvas and bark, sculpture, textiles, weaving, new media, photo-media, print-making, and installation work. This will be the first national survey show of contemporary Indigenous art at the National Gallery of Australia since Flash Pictures in 1991. The initiation of this event will enable a far more comprehensive and continuous overview of current Indigenous art practice, every three years, with the focus on a concise survey on individual artists’ works, brought together under a scholarly thematic context.
For the inaugural exhibition thirty-one artists have been selected, with up to five works from each artist. The Gallery anticipates that, as the exhibition is profiling the finest contemporary Indigenous art, works in the exhibition will be acquired for the national collection. Importantly, CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial also coincides with the 40th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum (Aboriginals), whereby the majority of non-Indigenous Australians (90.77%) voted overwhelmingly to include Indigenous Australians on the census to be considered as citizens. It is also the 50th anniversary of NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) and these anniversaries will provide inspiration for the exhibition’s thematic context.
To ensure that each exhibition is dynamic and stimulating a different Indigenous guest curator will curate the Triennial every three years, with the inaugural CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial to be curated by Brenda L Croft, Senior Curator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art, National Gallery of Australia. This major new multi-arts strategic initiative will enable the skills development of Indigenous curators, for whom such opportunities are currently limited. This would allow the Gallery to develop Indigenous curators throughout the country and also eventually invite international Indigenous curators from the Pacific and other regions.
The Triennial will fulfil the need for a fully curated exhibition of outstanding quality that profiles the work of contemporary Indigenous art across Australia. The National Gallery considers it necessary to include such an event on the artistic calendar, considering the few opportunities available to showcase some of Australia’s leading artists, with the demise of contemporary art events such as the Moët et Chandon Fellowship, and Australian Perspecta among others, in the past decade.
International Art Museums have shown incredible interest in contemporary Indigenous art from Australia recently, including in the prestigious Australian Indigenous Art Commission (AIAC) at the new Musée du quai Branly in Paris in June 2006. At present the most widely acknowledged survey of contemporary Indigenous Australian art is the highly popular annual Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, held at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory in Darwin each August.
However, the Telstra is not a curated exhibition and generally includes over 100 artists, with no thematic content other than being an annual showcase of works of art by Indigenous artists. Therefore, each National Indigenous Art Triennial will be an important complement to existing annual, biennial and triennial visual arts events. A scholarly full-colour publication will accompany the exhibition and will be a significant publication that will exist independently of the exhibition.
Artists: Vernon AH KEE, Jean Baptiste APUATIMI, Jimmy BAKER, Maringka BAKER, Richard BELL, Jan BILLYCAN, Daniel BOYD, Trevor (Turbo) BROWN, Christine CHRISTOPHERSEN, Destiny DEACON in collaboration with Virginia FRASER, Julie DOWLING, Philip GUDTHAYKUDTHAY, Treahna HAMM, Gordon HOOKEY, Anniebell MARRNGAMARRNGA, John MAWURNDJUL, Ricky MAYNARD, Danie MELLOR, Lofty Bardayal NADJAMERREK, Doreen REID NAKAMARRA, Dennis NONA, Arthur Koo’ekka PAMBEGAN Jnr, Christopher PEASE, Shane PICKETT, Elaine RUSSELL, Christian THOMPSON, Judy WATSON, HJ WEDGE, Owen YALANDJA, Gulumbu YUNUPINGU.
736 words
Brenda L Croft
Senior Curator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
National Gallery of Australia
13 October 2007 – 10 February 2008
The National Gallery of Australia is delighted to be holding the inaugural National Indigenous Art Triennial: CULTURE WARRIORS, which will open on 12 October 2007, coinciding with the Gallery’s 25th birthday celebrations and will be on display for four months. This innovative exhibition is expected to become a permanent event in the Australian and international art calendar. Works selected for CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial have been created within the past three years resulting in a highly considered snapshot of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art/cultural practice. Selection by the Curator will be by invitation only.
CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial will include works that represent a diversity of regions throughout Australia with every state and territory represented, and will demonstrate the incredible range of contemporary Indigenous art practice. It will include media encompassing painting on canvas and bark, sculpture, textiles, weaving, new media, photo-media, print-making, and installation work. This will be the first national survey show of contemporary Indigenous art at the National Gallery of Australia since Flash Pictures in 1991. The initiation of this event will enable a far more comprehensive and continuous overview of current Indigenous art practice, every three years, with the focus on a concise survey on individual artists’ works, brought together under a scholarly thematic context.
For the inaugural exhibition thirty-one artists have been selected, with up to five works from each artist. The Gallery anticipates that, as the exhibition is profiling the finest contemporary Indigenous art, works in the exhibition will be acquired for the national collection. Importantly, CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial also coincides with the 40th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum (Aboriginals), whereby the majority of non-Indigenous Australians (90.77%) voted overwhelmingly to include Indigenous Australians on the census to be considered as citizens. It is also the 50th anniversary of NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) and these anniversaries will provide inspiration for the exhibition’s thematic context.
To ensure that each exhibition is dynamic and stimulating a different Indigenous guest curator will curate the Triennial every three years, with the inaugural CULTURE WARRIORS: National Indigenous Art Triennial to be curated by Brenda L Croft, Senior Curator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art, National Gallery of Australia. This major new multi-arts strategic initiative will enable the skills development of Indigenous curators, for whom such opportunities are currently limited. This would allow the Gallery to develop Indigenous curators throughout the country and also eventually invite international Indigenous curators from the Pacific and other regions.
The Triennial will fulfil the need for a fully curated exhibition of outstanding quality that profiles the work of contemporary Indigenous art across Australia. The National Gallery considers it necessary to include such an event on the artistic calendar, considering the few opportunities available to showcase some of Australia’s leading artists, with the demise of contemporary art events such as the Moët et Chandon Fellowship, and Australian Perspecta among others, in the past decade.
International Art Museums have shown incredible interest in contemporary Indigenous art from Australia recently, including in the prestigious Australian Indigenous Art Commission (AIAC) at the new Musée du quai Branly in Paris in June 2006. At present the most widely acknowledged survey of contemporary Indigenous Australian art is the highly popular annual Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, held at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory in Darwin each August.
However, the Telstra is not a curated exhibition and generally includes over 100 artists, with no thematic content other than being an annual showcase of works of art by Indigenous artists. Therefore, each National Indigenous Art Triennial will be an important complement to existing annual, biennial and triennial visual arts events. A scholarly full-colour publication will accompany the exhibition and will be a significant publication that will exist independently of the exhibition.
Artists: Vernon AH KEE, Jean Baptiste APUATIMI, Jimmy BAKER, Maringka BAKER, Richard BELL, Jan BILLYCAN, Daniel BOYD, Trevor (Turbo) BROWN, Christine CHRISTOPHERSEN, Destiny DEACON in collaboration with Virginia FRASER, Julie DOWLING, Philip GUDTHAYKUDTHAY, Treahna HAMM, Gordon HOOKEY, Anniebell MARRNGAMARRNGA, John MAWURNDJUL, Ricky MAYNARD, Danie MELLOR, Lofty Bardayal NADJAMERREK, Doreen REID NAKAMARRA, Dennis NONA, Arthur Koo’ekka PAMBEGAN Jnr, Christopher PEASE, Shane PICKETT, Elaine RUSSELL, Christian THOMPSON, Judy WATSON, HJ WEDGE, Owen YALANDJA, Gulumbu YUNUPINGU.
736 words
Brenda L Croft
Senior Curator, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
National Gallery of Australia
Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, "How old was your husband?" "98," she replied. "Two years older than me." "So you're 96," the undertaker commented. She responded, "Hardly worth going home, is it?" _________________________________ Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" the reporter asked. She simply replied, "No peer pressure." _______________________________ The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs. __________________________________________________________ I've sure gotten old! I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation; hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But, thank God, I still have my driver's license. ________________________________ I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over. _______________________________ An elderly woman decided to prepare her will and told her preacher she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart. "Wal-Mart?" the preacher exclaimed. "Why Wal-Mart?" "Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week." ____________________________________________________________ My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be. ________________________________ Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out. _______________________________ It's scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker. ______________________________ These days about half the stuff in my shopping cart says, "For fast relief." ______________________________ Remember: You don't stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing. ________________________________ --- THE SENILITY PRAYER : Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference. ______________________________________________________________ Now, I think you're supposed to share this with 5 or 6, maybe 10 others. Oh heck, give it to a bunch of your friends if you can remember who they are!
Albury/Wodonga and Surrounding Areas
Albury/Wodonga and Surrounding Areas
Monday 6th August 2007
Any enquiries please call
Sandie McKoy and Alison Elliott
YOUTH PATHWAYS - Workways Association Inc
174 Lawrence Street Wodonga
Ph: 02 6056 6311 Fax: 02 6056 6322
Jobs listed are from the Border Mail newspaper or the following Websites:
Event Erecter/Dismantler Traineeship (07TT672)
A leading supplier of event equipment & supplies needs a new full-time employee. If you are fit, strong and enjoy travel this maybe the job for you. Duties include setting up and pulling down of exhibitions and conventions around the region, management of stock in warehouse and driving of vehicles. Applicants must have a current drivers licence and a heavy vehicles licence would be preferable.
Your letter of application , Resume, and the names and contact details of three referees should be sent to:-
The Recruitment Officer
ATEL Employment Services
P. O. Box 603
Wodonga Vic 3690
No later than 4pm Friday 10th August 2007
Information Technology/Customer Service Traineeship (07TT671)
A local Apple product service centre is looking for a new team member. Responsibilities will include customer service, sales, support and repair of Apple products as well as deliveries and pickups. Applicants must have a keen interest in computers, preferably with experience in Apple computers, have current drivers licence and enjoy interacting with people.
Part Time Retail Traineeship (07TT674)
A popular and growing retail food business in central Albury. Start p/t 15hrs a week and extend to extra hours as their productivity grows and the business grows. Duties will include customer service, cash handling, food preparation and stock control. Applicants must have good communication skills and be willing to learn.
Administration Trainee( 07ABU032)
ATEA large local construction company is currently seeking an Administration Trainee. Applicants should exhibit good customer service and communication skills, be well presented, have good computer knowledge with an ability to prioritise and work in a busy environment. The position would ideally suit someone who has some prior knowledge of the construction industry either via "hands on" experience or through a VET course undertaken during school. Duties will include answering the telephone, taking messages, word processing, filing and data entry. For the right person, an opportunity may present itself for training in estimating work
Apprentice Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
An excellent opportunity exists for an enthusiastic person who has the desire to enter the aviation industry. This is a long-term opportunity with the end goal for this person to become a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer. Applicants will need a high level of physics and be competent in maths and geometry. Training will cover all areas of aircraft maintenance from avionics to structural components and mechanical repair. This position is Permanent, Full-Time
For more information on this position, please log onto our website or send a letter of application quoting the job number, along with the name and contact details of three referees to: The Recruitment Officer
PO Box 603 Wodonga 3690
All applications close Friday August 10, 2007 no later that 4pm.
Wood Machining Process Worker (07RM2510)
This is an excellent opportunity for those wishing to learn or currently know the basics of wood work. Working for a local manufacturing company you will undertake training under the furniture making package in order for you to receive a Certificate II in Furniture Making / Wood Machining Processor. Applicants must have enthusiasm, motivation and a can-do attitude. This position would ideally suit a recent school leaver but open to all possibilities.
Trainee Optical Dispenser
A full-time vacancy exists for a well presented, friendly, reliable person to commence in a trainee position as an Optical Dispenser. All applicants must have good mathematic skills, enjoy dealing with the general public, have an interest in fashion accessories and be willing to commit to the traineeship for approximately two years
This position is Permanent, Full-Time
To apply, please email The Placement Officer at Workways Assoc Inc;Albury at
Trainee Sales/Marketing
16/17 year old to learn the sales environment at Macquarie Regional Radio. No cold calling or going out on field to begin with, just seeing what the sales team does in the office. This position is Permanent, Full-Time
To apply, please contact KP & JD Laurent Pty Ltd Albury by phoning 02 60416838, faxing 02 60210535 or emailing
Apprenticeships 2008 Line work Country Energy
Country Energy is an EEO employer and encourages females and members of the Indigenous community to apply.
For more information or to apply online visit our website or visit your local Country Energy Customer Service Centre. If you do not have access to the internet, call 1800 123 590 to apply.
Applications open 9am-5pm Monday 6 August to Friday 24th August 2007.
Trainee Transport and Distribution
Hartwigs Trucks, NSW Host Employer of Year, is currently seeking an enthusiastic individual to undertake the position of Transport and Distribution Trainee within their Albury Branch. The position will provide the successful applicant with the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience through on the job training and successful completion of theory modules and assessments. Duties will include unloading and restocking of goods, delivery of goods, assisting other staff members and other duties as required.
The successful applicant will have a current drivers licence and have completed a minimum of their Year Ten School Certificate.
Please visit the GTES website and complete an online registration form. An application letter and resume must be attached to the registration form.
Applications close, Wednesday, 8th August 2007.
Customer Service Officer APS Level 1-3
Medicare Australia anticipates that CSOs will meet most customer needs at the point of initial contact. CSOs are expected to quickly assess customer needs and resolve customer inquiries through sound problem solving, judgement, effective communication and use of all available resources. The role of a CSO is to deliver frontline customer services, using excellent customer service practices across multiple channels to customers, clients and stakeholders. Develop skills and competencies in customer service, while working in a supported team environment. ** Age rates from $20,615 to $31,267 (under 21) Temporary Position Full-Time
Pam Brady c/o Medicare Australia PO Box 9822 Sydney NSW 2001 or email
Selection documentation may be obtained from out/careers/ (02) 6021 3893
Closing Date16/08/2007)
Administration Officer
ALBURY - JUNIOR POSITION FOR A SCHOOL LEAVER. LEARN WHILE YOU EARN WITH THIS "TRIAL A PERMANENT POSITION." Working for a professional financial company with typing, data entry and clerical. Successful person must possess a professional appearance, good MS Office knowledge and typing speeds of a minimum of 40 wpm. The salary will be based on award. i.e. 18,19,20 etc. This position is a casual assignment with a view to going permanent at the firm. This position is Temporary, Casual (hours: 38 hours).
To apply, please email Rachel Lewis at Catalyst Albury at
Administration Officer
An Administration Officer is required at a well established business specializing in the sale of home oxygen masks and equipment. Applicants should be well presented and mature minded, reliable, and have excellent communication skills. Duties will include answering telephone enquiries, customer service, cash handling etc. The successful applicant must have intermediate computer skills and be able to work independently. Hours of work are 10.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday.
This position is Permanent, Part-Time (hours: 25 hpw).
To apply, please email The Placement Officer at Workways Assoc Inc;Albury at
Service Station Assistant
A local Albury petrol station seeks a casual Console Operator/Shop Assistant to commence as soon as possible. In order to be considered for this position applicants must have previous experience in customer service, cash handling and console operation. The successful applicant must be honest and trustworthy, reliable and punctual and enjoy dealing with the public. This person will also be capable of working unsupervised and be able to show initiative. A minimum of 5.5 hours will be offered from 7.30am to 1.00pm every Saturday, and some relief work as required. An immediate start is available.
This position is Permanent, Casual (hours :).
To apply, please email The Placement Officer at Workways Assoc Inc;Albury at
Process Workers/Production
Looking for on-call casual work in production or processing in the Albury/Wodonga area? *Competitive rate of pay, *On-call casual work. Extra staff currently has a variety of established clients who require regular on-call staff. Ideal candidates will be enthusiastic, energetic workers who are keen to work in a fast paced environment. All applicants will require a good level of written and spoken English, have a high attention to detail, be able to stand on their feet all day and do repetitive work. You must own a pair of steel capped safety boots and your own car would be advantageous due to the location of some of our clients. Good OH&S awareness is essential
If you fulfil all of the requirements and are able and willing to work at short notice, then we want to hear from you! Please apply online now at and enter JREF# 2182 or email your resume to: or fax to 02 6040 9277 now!!
Factory Process Workers
Adecco Albury currently requires factory/process workers for various client sites in Albury, a variety of shifts, roles and pay rates are available.
Please email your current resume to
To apply, please email Adecco Albury at
Factory Labourer
Factory Labourers required to register for potential up-coming assignments. Must be fit, live locally and be able to start straight away when positions come up.
Please call Rachel Lewis or drop in resume with photo id.
To apply, please phone Rachel Lewis at Catalyst Albury on 02 60416723.
Handy Man/ Cleaner
Handyman/Cleaner. Majority of duties are cleaning duties. Cleaning offices, Vacuuming, emptying bins, dusting, cleaning the kitchen, general tidy. Also some handyman duties around the offices. This position is Temporary, Part-Time (hours :).
To apply, please contact KP & JD Laurent Pty Ltd Albury by phoning 02 60416838, faxing 02 60210535 or emailing
Local motel/restaurant requires all round handyperson to mow lawns, do weeding and garden maintenance, swimming pool maintenance, in-ground sprinkler maintenance, minor repairs (painting, changing tap washers, cleaning guttering and downpipes, etc), and general grounds up-keep. Must be very reliable with a good work ethic. This position is Permanent, Casual (hours: Up to 30hpw).
To apply, please phone Workways Wodonga at Workways Assoc Inc Wodonga on 02 60560005
Shop Assistant
A part time position is available for a well presented, reliable person to commence at a local food outlet. Applicants should have customer service and cash handling experience, and will be required to work weekends etc. The successful person will be required to make coffee, ice-creams etc. Coffee machine experience would be advantageous. A minimum of 25 hours per week will be offered initially. Immediate start available
This position is Permanent, Part-Time (hours :).
To apply, please email The Placement Officer at Workways Assoc Inc;Albury at
Part Time Sales Assistant
If you want a versatile and rewarding retail position, then look no further. Flexible hours, convenient location, full training provided and great base pay with bonuses and commissions. Also enjoy great benefits, extra annual leave, paid birthday off, educational allowance and child care allowance. If you’re looking for a part time position you’ve probably got other things in your life that keep you busy. We employ people who want a rewarding position that suits their lifestyle.
If this sounds like you, contact us today and join the team that values your time. Apply on line at
A position exists for an experienced merchandiser to work in the Albury area. Duties include servicing existing clients to retain and grow business within stores merchandising greeting cards. Training will be provided. Applicants must be reliable with the ability to work flexible hours. Applicants must have their own transport and will be paid an hourly rate (in store time) along with a klm allowance This position is Permanent, Casual (hours: 1+).
To apply, please email URI BAR OR SUE LOYER at PREGO GREETINGS PTY LTD* at
Back and Front of House staff is being sought by our very busy local client. You will need to be able to help prepare food, have excellent food presentation, perform general housekeeping duties. Table service, cash handling and taking orders will also be some of the duties. Previous BOH and/or FOH experience is required. Rotating shifts, of approx 20 hrs pw apply between Mon-Sundays mornings and lunchtimes. Own transport is required.
To apply, please present to Ace Workers P/L* at 710 Young St, Albury 2640 in person immediately
Customer Service
We are currently seeking casual staff fro weekends and part time work. Award wages apply.
Please send resume to Donut King, west End Plaza Kiewa Street Albury 2640
Pizza Delivery
Delivery drivers for Sugar Shack Pizza. Hourly rate plus delivery fee.
Phone BH 0408 260 265 or
02 6025 4266
Part Time Retail Traineeship (07TT674)
A popular and growing retail food business in Lavington. Start p/t 15hrs a week and extend to extra hours as their productivity grows and the business grows. Duties will include customer service, cash handling, food preparation and stock control. Applicants must have good communication skills and be willing to learn.
Electronics Apprenticeship
Our client, busy office equipment supply and repair business is currently seeking a technically minded, hardworking individual to become part of their team and begin their career through an Electronics Trade Certificate III Apprenticeship. In this position you will learn and conduct repairs to printers, photocopiers, facsimile machines and cash registers. Conducting repairs includes adjusting and/or replacing parts, cleaning parts and equipment and reassembling and testing equipment. Own Transport Required. It is essential that you will have completed your School Certificate or higher with good results in mathematics. You must also possess good communication skills, be well presented and hold your current drivers licence. Award wages will apply. Permanent, Full-Time (hours 38-40).
Please visit the GTES website to complete a registration form. A letter of application and resume must be attached to the registration form
GTES* phone 269233000, fax 02 69218616 or email
URGENT URGENT URGENT! 1 Postal Delivery Rider required to register for casual, on call casual basis position. Initial training for the positions will be full time for 4 weeks. Must have a motor bike licence, be able to lift 16kg, pass a police check, medical & weigh less than 90kg Licence Car, Motorcycle-Casual
Please phone Rachel Lewis at Catalyst Recruitment Systems Ltd Albury on 02 6041 6723.
Part time Retail Assistant and Casual Stock Replenishes
ALDI is now seeking highly motivated, hands-on Store Assistants who wish to join the start-up team in Australia in permanent part-time positions. This is an excellent opportunity for candidates who want a satisfying job which offers the scope to develop a career in the retail industry. High level of self-motivation and dedication, Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work at a fast pace while maintaining attention to detail, Ability to work flexible hours on any 5 out of 7 days on a rotating roster, Willingness to work in a hands-on, physically demanding retail environment
Top obtain an applications form go to our web site or any Aldi store.
For more information and store locations visit
Applications close Monday 3rd September 2007
1st/2nd Year Panel Beater Apprenticeship
Do you have a Drivers Licence? Do you have your HSC? Do you have a passion for cars? If so why not consider an Apprenticeship as a Vehicle Panel Beater. This position is Located in Walla Walla (near Culcairn) within an excellent Workshop. You will learn to repair damage to metal, plastic and fibreglass bodywork on vehicles and make and form vehicle panels using machines or hand tools. Duties involve determining vehicle damage and recommended repair procedures, removal of damaged panels, fixing dents, use of mechanical and hydraulic equipment to straighten and realign chassis and body frames and use of oxy-acetylene and welding equipment to cut and join replacement sections or damaged panels. Upon completion of the Apprenticeship, you will be qualified with Certificate 3 in Automotive Vehicle Body Panel Beater. Position is close to public transport but Drivers Licence Required. This position is Permanent, Full-Time (hours: 38+hrs).
If you feel this is a position for you, please forward your resume and cover letter to the email address below.
To apply, please email Rochelle Williamson at MTA Apprenticeships Plus* at
Apprentice Heavy Vehicle Mechanic
GTES in conjunction with our client are currently seeking a hard working individual to undertake the position of Apprentice Heavy Vehicle Mechanic in Walla Walla.
This position will provide the successful applicant with the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience through on the job training and successful completion of theory modules and assessments. Duties will include maintenance and servicing of agricultural and heavy vehicle machinery, assisting other staff members, identification and use of hand and power tools and other duties as required.
The successful applicant will have completed a minimum of their Year Ten School Certificate and must possess a current driver’s licence.
Please visit the GTES website , complete an online registration form. An application letter and resume must be attached to the registration form
Applications close: Wednesday, 8th August 2007
Junior Trainee
Junior office trainee fulltime position. Award Wages
Email resume to:
Applications close Friday August 10, 2007 at 5pm.
Apprentice Plasterer ( 07ABU033)
You must be well presented, fit and healthy, motivated to learn with an excellent work ethic. This is a great opportunity for the right person.
Please log onto our website or send a letter of application quoting the job number, along with the name and contact details of three referees to: The Recruitment Officer
PO Box 603 Wodonga 3690
Application Close: Friday, August 10, 2007
Apprentice Baker ( 07ABU035)
Great Conditions, Full on-the-job training provided, Friendly environment. ATEL invites applicants to apply for a position with an exciting new wholesale bakery producing a range of yeast, dairy and gluten free organic breads. We are looking for an energetic and motivated individual with a genuine desire to become a fully qualified baker. You will commence working three days per week increasing to full time hours as production grows. You must be physically fit, have strong oral communication skills and be a motivated person willing to learn. A passion for bread and keen interest to learn more about our unique naturally fermented products is highly desirable.
Retail Trainee (07TT629)
This position requires a well-groomed, mature minded, friendly person with excellent communication skills who has a genuine interest in cycling. Comprehensive training will be provided in the role and will lead to a nationally recognised qualification upon successful completion
Warehousing Traineeship ( 07TT670)
A Wodonga tile seller is looking for a fit and able individual for a part-time 3 days a week’s position, P/T 22hrs. Duties would include receipt of stock, dispatch of orders, management of warehouse storage, associated paperwork and some customer service. Successful applicant will under take a Cert II in Transport & Distribution (Warehousing & Storage). Drivers licence is essential and a fork lift licence would be an advantage but not necessary.
Community Services Worker Traineeship (Designated Aboriginal Position) (07DJ014)
ATEL, in conjunction with Centacare is seeking an enthusiastic person to undertake a 12 month traineeship in Community Services Work. The successful applicant will undertake a Cert II in Community Services Work. This traineeship will prepare you for work in the community service field; undertake basic administrative duties, support group activities and introduction to counselling. Excellent communication skills are vital in this role. We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic about learning new skills and wants to work as part of a team. Aboriginality is an essential requirement for this position. This is an excellent opportunity for you to join a motivated team of people and have access to accredited on the job training. You will be awarded with a Nationally recognised qualification upon successful completion
Administration Traineeship (07ABU032)
A large local construction company is currently seeking an Administration Trainee. Applicants should exhibit good customers service and communication skills, be well presented have good computer knowledge with an ability to prioritise and work in a busy environment. The position would ideally suit someone who has some prior knowledge of the construction industry wither via “hands-on” experience or through a VET course undertaken during school. Duties will include answering the telephone, taking message, word processing, filing and data entry. For right person an opportunity may present itself for training in estimating work.
Auto Cooling Service Technician or Trainee
We have a full time position available for a mechanically minded person to service all aspects of the cooling system, including radiator repairs, air conditioning and welding experience would be a bonus but not essential. We are looking for someone who is well presented, willing to lean and with food communication skills to work in a small business environment. Car licence essential, in house training will be provided...
All correspondence strictly confidential.
All applicants must include a cover letter in own hand writing and resume posted to: NATRAD, 20 Huon Street
Wodonga 3690
Survey Assistant
Expanding local firm seeks a trainee or qualified Survey Assistant. Position would suit a school leaver with year 12 Maths and good problem solving ability. As the position will involve field and office work, applicant will need a degree of fitness and be able to carry equipment as needed. Applicant must be able to keep good records and be willing to receive training in survey and Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Techniques.
For further details contact the Survey Manager on 02 6024 2266
Applications must be hand written and forwarded to the:
General Manager
EDM Group
PO Box 317
Wodonga 3689
Kitchen Hand/ Fast Food Attendants
Red Rooster Wodonga has vacancies for JUNIOR STAFF in their cafe. Position would suit school students seeking part time after school employment. Work hours are casual (rostered) as required and include evening and weekend work. Suitable candidates will be well presented, have good personal hygiene, be honest and reliable. Duties will include customer service, counter & drive through assistance, food preparation, stacking fridges & general cleaning.
Interested applicants should contact Kate Toohey at Red Rooster Wodonga on 6024 3183
Do you want to work in an exciting work environment? Come and join the team at Urban Indoor Paintball where they currently have a position available in customer service. Work hours are weekends and after normal business hours during the week. We are looking for someone with experience in customer service and who can relate well with others.
This position is Permanent, Casual
To apply, please contact KP & JD Laurent Pty Ltd Albury by phoning 02 60416838, faxing 02 60210535 or emailing
Duties will include cleaning of office area including vacuuming of carpets, dusting/ wiping down workstations (not moving paperwork), mopping kitchen & toilet floor area, wiping down kitchen tables & benches, clean sink area (no dishes), clean toilets, partitions, replenishment of toilet rolls & hand towels in toilet area. Own transport and mobile phone is required for contact when needed. A clear police check is a condition of employment. There is one sites, the site 1.5 hours daily Mon-Fri in the morning Permanent, Part-Time (hours 7.5 hrs p/w).
Please send a copy of your resume by e-mail to or by fax (03) 95629566
Shop Assistant
Reliable and friendly person is required as a Shop Assistant in a local takeaway store. Duties will include customer service, food preparation, operation of grill and fryer, general cleaning and replenishing stock. Hours of work are Thursday, Friday and Saturday 5pm - 8pm. This position is Temporary, Casual (hours: 9+ hpw).
To apply, please contact Workways Wodonga at Workways Assoc Inc;Wodonga by phoning 1800631196, faxing 0260569273 or emailing
Fashion Sales Assistant
Casual position
Reply PO Box 170
Wodonga 3689
Domestic Cleaner
Well organised, well presented & well spoken person required for domestic cleaning. Work is Mon - Fri during school hours. Police check will be required. If you have an ABN or willing to obtain one & can provide a long term commitment, This position is Temporary, Casual (hours: up to 15).
Please provide a copy of your Resume & details of Referees to Worktrainers, Wodonga, phone Worktrainers Wodonga on 1800802277
Junior Receptionist
Confident & well presented person required for reception/admin duties in a professional consulting firm. Duties include telephone answering, filing, photocopying, computer operation, banking & other office admin duties as required. This position will also provide support to the General Manager This position is Permanent, Full-Time - hours: 37.5
Please provide a HAND WRITTEN letter of application, Resume & details of two Referees to Worktrainers, 3/91 Hume Street, Wodonga.
To apply, please phone Worktrainers Wodonga on 1800802277.
Process Worker
Casual on call food processing worker, Licence: Car.
To apply, please email Drake Jobseek Albury at
Production Labourers
Required to register for potential up-coming assignments. Must be fit, live locally and be able to start straight away when positions come up Preferred Licence- Car Temporary, Casual
To apply, please phone Rachel Lewis at Catalyst Albury on 02 6041 6723.
Part time Retail Assistant and Casual Stock Replenishers
ALDI is now seeking highly motivated, hands-on Store Assistants who wish to join the start-up team in Australia in permanent part-time positions. This is an excellent opportunity for candidates who want a satisfying job which offers the scope to develop a career in the retail industry. High level of self-motivation and dedication, Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work at a fast pace while maintaining attention to detail, Ability to work flexible hours on any 5 out of 7 days on a rotating roster, Willingness to work in a hands-on, physically demanding retail environment
Top obtain an applications form go to our web site or any Aldi store.
For more information and store locations visit
Applications close Monday 3rd September 2007
Wait Person
Wait person required for evenings commencing at around 5.00pm serving Asian cuisine. RSA would be advantageous. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be VERY RELIABLE, have good personal presentation and customer service skills. Preferred Licence(s): Car
Permanent, Part-Time (hours: 10 - 15hpw).
To apply, please phone Workways Wodonga at Workways Assoc Inc Wodonga on 02 60560005
Sales Assistant
Casual position for an enthusiastic person for our retail shop. Award wages apply.
Send resume to Dean Basham
Kennedy’s Meat (Wodonga Store)
10 Osburn Street Wodonga 3690
Lab Assistant
Casual/on call Lab Assistant required for a company in Baranduda. Although no experience is necessary, it will be highly regarded and you will be a good with numbers and think quick on your feet. Flexibility is the key for this role. Shifts will most likely be 1 shift per week, however may increase during busy periods. No weekend work required $23.72 per hour This position is Temporary, Casual
To apply email your resume to Clare at Or
To apply, please email at
Experienced bar and gaming service attendant required for local club. Duties will include customer service, general cleaning, and bookwork. Victorian RSA and RCG essential. 3 month trial period. Applicants will be willing to work nights and weekends on Roster system. Permanent, Casual ( hours: 15hpw ). Preferred Licence(s): Car.
To apply, please phone Megan Evans/Lorraine Moss at Workways Assoc Inc;Corryong on 1800631196
Tree Planters
Tree planters required for work in wholesale nursery. You will need to be physically fit and possess a current driver's licence.
To apply, please phone Worktrainers Wodonga on 1800802277.
We are now accepting enrolments in SECURITY commencing early September 2007. The course contains training for 1A and 1C Security Licence, Senior First Aid, Aggression Management, Personal Presentation, RSA and Communication. The AAP program has been designed to assist eligible candidates who are unemployed gain employment opportunities through training and work experience in a specific industry. Participants committed to the program may achieve an apprenticeship or further work opportunities. The Australia Apprenticeship Access Program is an Australian Government Initiative.
Contact Stephen Thompson on
0437 212 306 for further information
Trade Pre-Apprenticeships in 2007
A great way to get a taste of a trade career in which you are interested. Full time programs usually held over 16 weeks. Prepare you for an apprenticeship by teaching you the basic skills of a trade. You don’t need an employer to do a pre-apprenticeship course. Your opportunities for gaining an apprenticeship after completing a pre-apprenticeship are usually greater but it is no guarantee. If you complete a pre-apprenticeship course it will reduce the time of a related apprenticeship by three to 12 months depending on the industry area.
Courses available in:
Automotive, Furnishing (Cabinet Making), Joinery/Shopfitting/Stairbuilding,
Electro-technology, Engineering Studies
For further information contact the Customer Service Centre on 1300 GOTAFE (1300 468 233) or visit the website
Applicants should demonstrate a genuine desire to work in their choice of trade
Applicants will need to attend an interview and pre selection testing
Entry Requirements is flexible and designed to meet student needs at Year 10, 11. 12 or post 12.
If you would like to know more about School Based Apprenticeships please contact:
ATEL Employment Services 2 Michael Drive Wodonga
Visit our website at or phone 02 6024 0800
Seasonal Jobs
Kitchen porters, wait/bar staff, baristas, ticket sellers, Drivers, Chefs: needed for the ski season.
Harvest Trail: Work harvesting crops various positions in various locations and different times of the year.
Online employment opportunities
Hungry Jacks
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
Boost juice, Domino pizza, Rebel Sports
Coles, Myer, Target, Office Works, Kmart
Woolworths, Safeway, Big W, Dick Smith, Dan Murphy’s,
Aldi Supermarket
Public Service i.e. – Taxation Office - Centrelink
ANZ Bank
National Australia Bank
General employment agencies, resume & job search tips:
Youth Information, jobs/careers, study and training -
Department Education Science and Training-
Jobs on line-
Job search on line-
Lists web addresses for jobs-
Employment information-
Employment Information-
Search for jobs-
Employment information-
List of various jobs, career and employment –
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Information:
Australian Government Australian Apprenticeships –
Australian Industry Group Training Services Apprenticeships- Apprenticeships and traineeships-
Apprenticeships and traineeships-
Australian Apprenticeships, Job pathways, VET and TAFE-
Government & Job Network listings:
Defence, government, careers, jobs-
Victoria On Line-
Defence Forces Jobs-
Tourism: Tourism Training Australia Board- national tourism and hospitality industry-
Information and Technology:
Short Courses Victoria
Open Universities Australia
Education Network Australia
Wodonga TAFE
La Trobe University
Charles Sturt University
Riverina Institute of TAFE
Continuing Education Centre
Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE
TRAINING opportunities
Truck licence training – Full time course
1300 36 5400
Motorcycle training- Motorcycle licence
National Industrial Skills Training Centre 02 6055 6672
Forklift- 1 & 2 day courses every week. MUST BE 18 Yrs Old 1 day ($220) 2 day course ($330) (no concession)
Workforce Training Solutions
02 60 60568155
Forklift- 2 day courses- ($280) MUST BE 18 Yrs old
Intrain Assessors
0409 299 401
TAFE NSW Riverina Institute – Short Courses
* Responsible Service of Alcohol- ($130)
Liquor Administration Board and TAFE Certificate included in price
* Safety Checking Electrical Appliances (Testing & Tagging) ($145) (Course run over two evenings) Monday & Thursday
5:30pm - 10:00pm 3 & 6 Sept, 19 & 22 Nov
For details call 02 60582800
TAFE NSW Riverina Institute
OTB Consultants Training Schedule 2007
* Professional Development
-Effective Communication Skills ($95.00) 27th Sept
-Teamwork ($95.00) 28th Sept
-Time Management ($85.00) 11th October
-Customer Service ($105.00) 15th Aug, 12th Nov
-Safe Food Handling ($105.00) 12th Sept, 4th Dec
* Computer Training
-Microsoft Office ($475.00) 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd Aug
-Microsoft Word Basic ($250.00) 22nd/ 29th Aug
-Microsoft Word Intermediate ($250.00) 19th/ 26th Sept
* Personal Development
-Employment Success Program ($42.00) 28th Aug,11th/25th Sept, 2nd/17th Oct,14th/21st Nov
-Resume Writing & Interviewing Techniques ($105.00) 3rd Dec
-Budgeting ($105.00) 1st Aug, 5th Dec
-Self Esteem ($350.00) 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Aug
Contact OTB Consultants at
2 Michael Dr Wodonga on
02 60 240 850
Concession Rates Available
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